Photos3 Page:
July 3 - up date.
Al's working on the Clutch and Brake pedal assembly. |
Dave sandblasting the frame. Note: safety googles and dust mask. |
Sand blasting.
Dave sandblasting the frame. The job went pretty fast with only a small mess to sweep up. |
Front axel
The front axel and spring all cleaned up and painted. |
August 9 Updates.
The frame ready for painting.
Note the two weld patches on the bottom rail. |
Neal finished painting the frame using POR-15.
Al doing what he does best!
Al had just finished rebuilding the distributor and is now starting on cleaning up the differential gears. |
Differential gears
After cleaning these gears up, inspection revealed that the gears look good - even the bearings seem OK. |
Rear axel.
Getting the rear axel ready for sand blasting. |
Go to Photo Page 4 for more pictures.
We're getting back to work after a busy month of tours and car shows. |