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Master brake cylinder.

Installing the master cylinder was easy.  Finding the parts for and installing the brake & clutch pedal was another matter.

This is me cleaning the brake/clutch pedal shaft

It took us 2 days to find the brake/clutch pedal shaft and couplings.  Our pictures were very incomplete in this area.

This is Dave starting the process of cleaning the tranny.

We needed to get the tranny cleaned up so we could take it to a Transmission shop who hopefully will be able to adapt a 5-speed tranny in its place.  If not a 5-speed at least some kind of overdrive.

Wire harness

This is Al's next project - recreate the electrical wiring harness.

Here's the new update - July 18, 2004

We had quite a few things going in June - Local Model A Ford events and the Model A Ford Restorer's Club National Meet in Madison, Wisconsin.

We've managed to get a few things done.  The steering is in (still needs adjusting), the engine has been installed and the transmission is almost ready to go on. 

The transmission almost complete. We will have to use the original throw-out bearing. The shift tower is our biggest problem - it is almost entirely rust.


Here's Al cleaning transmission bearings and gears - looks like everything is salvageable.


The engine fit on the new rubber motor mounts almost perfectly.

I had to modify 1 motor mount - the bolt hole was too close to the rubber and I couldn't get a wrench on the bolt.  See next page for more!